Tuesday, July 2, 2024

In appreciation: Dr. Christine Kannler (the Stephen D. Coan Fire Marshall Award- 11/2022)

Remarks of Former State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey, 11/17/22:

Firefighting is an inherently dangerous calling. But of all the hazards we confront each day, occupational cancer is the one most likely to take our lives. Firefighters are far more likely than the general public to be diagnosed with cancer, to develop it earlier in life, and to discover it in its later stages.  Dr. Christine Kannler is determined to improve our odds.

Dr. Kannler is a passionate advocate and a tireless crusader for cancer awareness, prevention, and early detection in the fire service. As a board-certified dermatologist, she’s made it her mission to screen as many firefighters as possible for skin cancer, helping them to identify, treat, and survive a potentially deadly diagnosis.

It’s a mission with deeply personal roots. Like almost everyone in this room, Dr. Kannler lost someone in the fire service to occupational cancer. Her brother, Peter Kannler, was a Chelsea firefighter and Academy instructor who lost his own battle with cancer in 2016, when he was just 37 years old.

Following Peter’s tragic death, Dr. Kannler put her training to use by independently offering free skin cancer screenings to any firefighter who was interested. After initially working on her own, she contacted the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in 2018 to see if we could expand her reach. Since that time, the interest has exploded, and she’s screened 3,265 firefighters at scores of local firehouses, union meetings, and other venues across the Commonwealth – all on her own time.

To give you an idea of how urgently these services are needed, about 16% of Dr. Kannler’s firefighter patients require follow-up care.  That’s a rate 60% higher than the public they protect. Time and again, we hear the same five words from firefighters who beat melanoma because she helped them spot it in time: “Dr. Kannler saved my life.”

The fire service is becoming much more attuned to occupational cancer than we used to be. But most of us don’t have a dermatologist who can provide meaningful information and a clinical exam. Dr. Kannler has made that resource available, on request, in the very places we live and work.  And her perseverance has brought her before state and national dermatological associations, where she presses her case for similar programs nationwide. So far, about 10 other states are trying partnerships like ours – and we hope many more will follow.

The Firefighter of the Year Awards recognize acts of life-saving heroism by our brother and sister firefighters. Dr. Kannler might not be a firefighter, but she’s a hero and a lifesaver all the same.  It’s my great honor to present the 2022 Stephen D. Coan Fire Marshal’s Award to Dr. Christine Kannler.

For this segment, our publishing team wishes to express our special thanks to  Massachusetts Department of Fire Services (DFS) Public Information Officer Jake Wark and State Fire Marshal Jon M. Davine, whose leadership makes firefighter cancer a priority for the agency and makes our partnership with Dr. Kannler possible..

"Toxic Fires from Burning Plastics" Remain a National Health Threat - 45+ Years After Landmark NYC Fire

Written by: Dr. Robert L. Bard | Edited by: L. Gettz, Ed.D & Graciella Davi (NYCRA NEWS Editorial Staff)
Play 1975 NY Tel Fire/Dan Noonan Tribute video

November 9, 2021- The NY Fire Bell Club held its second annual meeting at the NYC Fire Museum on Spring Street- an historical landmark for "the city's bravest". In the name of public cancer awareness and a valuable history lesson in NYC fires, FDNY Honorary Battalion Chief Sergio Nieto, president of the FBC presented nationally recognized guest speaker- FDNY's own Ret. FF Dan Noonan, responder/survivor and crusader for the 1975 NY Tel Exchange Fire.

Mr. Noonan's powerful presentation captivated the large audience of active and retired firefighters and their families.  He delivered a powerful and real-time tour of his experiences while covering the most vital topics from that event-- including 1975 news coverage, interviews from lawmakers and FD leaderships, medical evaluations of the toxic contaminations and the after-effects of the event on the city both then and now.  Mr. Noonan also delivered compelling spotlights on some of the 699 firefighters who responded to the rescue event and their many health effects from the deadly smoke.

Since 1975, Dan Noonan has tirelessly promoted and echoed "the many lessons learned" from the department's most challenging disasters. He and many voices from the fire service considered  the NY Tel Exchange Fire "our First 9/11" - clearly voicing an overwhelmingly different type of disaster as far as its after-effects and the many layers of damage both to the city and to the responders, communication workers and the residents in the immediate area.

Dan Noonan's 11/9 presentation earmarked his continuing outcry for recognition of all 699 responders as well as the historical landmark of how killer smoke from burning plastics - re. the ONE BILLION feet of smoldering PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) copper wire insulation) was then and remains today as a health threat to our responders.  His seminar on the fire led to an Environmental Biology course in DIOXIN poisoning emitted by burning PVC.

During the seminar, Mr. Noonan played a CBS news clip by Arnold Diaz interviewing city officials about the AT&T Fire, then redirecting the focus on the NYC Subway System that also showed billions of miles of PVC piping and cable insulation and the high level of citywide carcinogenic risk involved should track fires happen.  Additional news clips included an interview with Dr. Deborah Wallace, nationally acclaimed Environmental Biologist and the author of the highly recognized 1990 textbook "IN THE MOUTH OF THE DRAGON- TOXIC FIRES IN THE AGE OF PLASTICS". Dr. Wallace’s book details the dangers of plastic-fueled toxic fires. Dr. Wallace notes: “No one thought to test early synthetic polymers for their combustion toxicity. These products were virtually untested when they were put on the market. Instead, the public became the test animals.”   She further states "we live in an age of plastics- exquisite wood-like furniture [plastic], designer textured wallcoverings [plastic], thick plush carpets, [plastic], fade-proof draperies [plastic]... and the list goes on.  The fact is, when living and working in any modern environment, we are surrounded by plastics. What most of us don't know is just how dangerous these plastics can be when heated, smoldering and burning.  

Mr. Noonan directed his audience to an entire chapter in Dr. Wallace’s book, referencing the 1975 NY Tel Fire; "PVC in the stage of decomposition and combustion can deliver an acute dose of toxicants which results in permanent serious injury and even delayed fatalities. Although the concentrated cloud of acid poses the most immediate life and health threat, other chemicals especially chlorinated hydrocarbons, can cause or contribute to serious chronic health problems....it is hoped that the consequences of this fire will lead to changes in the construction and layout of other buildings of this type. But even with improvements in construction and layout, the danger will not be completely eliminated. Synthetics are too pervasive in our world; we can never be too comfortable or confident about our safety. The Dragon lurks in the most unexpected places." [1]


When the NY Cancer Resource Alliance and F.A.C.E.S Foundation (Firefighters Against Cancer & Exposures) learned about Dan Noonan's presentation, national ambassadors like "Cousin Sal" Banchitta (Ret. FDNY FF from Ladder 316), Dave Dachinger (Ret. Lt. from the Ridgefield CT Fire Department) and F.A.C.E.S. President Lt. Chris Conner (Bedford TX) flocked at the opportunity to partner with the NY Fire Bell Club to present Dan's long awaited Lifetime Achievement Honor.  "It's about time Dan received the recognition he long deserved all DECADES of public speaking and outreach! As a direct historian for the 1975 Fire, all firefighters throughout the US continues to learn from this and other disasters and thanks to the power of his writing and his videos in YouTube, his voice IS ALSO OUR VOICE to support all first responders. Dan is the original torch bearer and an inspiration to us all!"  In a separate interview after the 11/9 event, Chief Nieto stated, “Dan has unending passion to bring a lot of knowledge about prevention and early detection … especially for the 'probies' and the younger members. They hear these talks in the fire academy, but Dan continues to keep stressing it- really bringing it home.  The importance of self-responsibility and self-awareness about safety- especially after its job.”

Thanks in part to the NY Fire Bell Club and the cooperation from Verizon, sources say the 699 responders of the 1975 Fire are about to is receive the proper and due recognition for their sacrifice and service in the form of a memorial plaque to be installed at the former NY Tel Exchange building (204 Second Avenue and Thirteenth Street in the East Village, NYC) plus a street naming related to the fire.   The unveiling is said to occur in early February, 2022.

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